20 November 2009

Break-ups and Best Sellers

When one girl exits, another one walks in.  I figure if it is true for doors, it has got to work with women.

A few weeks ago (before the weird conversation) i had the revelation that Dylan wasn't IT.  I realized i was (now - am) getting bored.  Aside from being gay and having divorced parents....there is not a lot of common ground.  Our conversations are pretty much substance-less.  We have very different ideas of relaxation and fun.  I have tried to explain in many different ways what my job is and she just doesn't get it.

Here's how I know she's not IT:  She isn't an adventurous eater.  She doesn't like old movies.  She thinks FaceBook is worthless.  She doesn't listen to music when she drives (or ever, really).  She doesn't understand why activism is so important.  She chose Leno over Letterman.  She would rather have dogs than kids.  (This list could be longer...but I think y'all get my point.)

She was comforting when I was freaking out about Tyra.  She made me laugh....when we were tipsy.  She has tattoos and a motorcycle.  I like her dogs.  Sleeping with her was fun.  (I wish I could say that this list could be longer....but it really can't.)

So.......peace out Dylan.  It was great to get back in the game with you, but looking back - I know we were using each other for the same purpose.  We needed to gain some confidence after "being off the market" for so long.  I hope that I gave you some because I did get some of my mine back.  Good luck!

All hope is not lost....Enter, Maggie.  Maggie and I have some mutual friends and spent time together sporadically with said friends.  We exchanged phone numbers, friended each other on FaceBook, and eventually became friends without the need of the intermediary.  And then, without warning, she made my insides smile.  Maggie walked into my life without an agenda and the connection that I am feeling has developed organically.  I'm not totally sure where our story will go or how it will end, but I am hoping it'll be a best-seller.


Jennie said...

alright sister. get back up on that horse...or girl as the case may be :) hahahahahahah. miss you. let's rendezvous again soon cuz this ain't cuttin' it. and p.s. I will WHOOP YO ASS at set. bring it!

Anonymous said...

Me too. Best sellers are wicked cool. :-)