22 August 2009

Wedding Bells!!

Wedding bells seem to be following me.  These bells are not for me (cause it's not legal), but for some of my dearest friends.

Kristen is one of my college buds, a member of the framily (you know,friends that turn into your family).  She sent me a text message last night with a picture of a beautiful ring on her hand with the words "I'm engaged!!!"  I am so excited for her party and for her marriage.  Moose is a great man and will be a great husband and partner for her.

Sarah is truly my other half.  She is getting married on New Year's in Phoenix.  I tried on the dress that I am wearing to her party this morning and i noticed how wonderful it twirls.  For Sarah, a dress is only worthy of wear if it twirls right.  Sarah lets me bring out my really really girly side and i love that about her.  Chris, her fiance (pronounced in "Sarah" as f-eye-awnce), is funny, serious, driven, supportive, and truly keeps Sarah grounded.

Jennie, another college bud, married the man of her dreams this past May.  From them moment we met Jason, we (the framily) knew that Jason was Jennie's match.  Her wedding was in Missoula and brought the framily together from all over the country....a weekend needed indeed!

Jenny (AKA Barney), a friend from high school, got married to a wonderful man earlier this year.  Rick is pretty much a male-version of Barney and it is a riot to watch them together.  They laugh like it's their job, love their children fiercely, and truly honor and respect each other.  They are going to be great role models for their babies and i know they will build a strong family.  

Basically, i am so happy from my friends and can not wait to watch your lives as couples unfold.

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