28 August 2009

Complementary Colors

It has been (roughly) a month since Dylan and I went on our first date.  Things have been going well....really well.  I know that her last relationship didn't end well and she is wary about losing herself in a new relationship.  I get that.  A while back she asked what I was looking for....ultimately.  I said something jumbled and awkward in an attempt to sound cool and collected and sure.

What i was able to put together AFTER that conversation is that I want my partner and I to complement each other like colors.  I want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the person that will help me find center, be the calm to balance my chaos; be the blue to my orange.  I want us to be awesome in ourselves and extra awesome together.  I want to bask in my warm tones, celebrate her cool hues, and have more colors to paint with when we are working together.  Basically...I want us to have our independent lives that are more fun and more full because we get to share them with each other.  I don't need to share every hobby.  Have nights with your friends....I'll have time with mine...but lets plan dinner with everyone too.

One of the songs on heavy rotation on my iPod lately, Not the Doctor by Alanis Morrisette, makes me think about that conversation......"I believe that 1 + 1 = 2."  No matter what happens, i refuse to leave Sarah behind.  The last time i was in a committed relationship, i forgot who i was; i compromised my vision. 

I am walking into Fall Training and opening....ie: the busiest time of year at work.  Looking at my September the reality is that seeing Dylan is going to be fairly tricky.  I am more than willing to put in the effort...but i wonder if she is.  This weekend i think we are going to be re-visiting the "what are we" conversation.  I am willing to be patient...but i refuse to be strung a long.  I hope that there is momentum behind our nightly conversations, weekends together, and comfortable silence.

Wish me luck!

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